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Design of adjustable 0 - 30V DC power supply

Posted by: WalterPaz on


I'm trying to design a laboratory power supply that can generate an output voltage between 0 and 30VDC and max 5A. Which AC/DC converter could you recommend for this application? Keep in mind that I will only use the AC/DC converter to generate the output voltage of the power supply since there will be a MCU controlling the entire circuit and also responsible for sending the new reference to the AC/DC converter to modify the output voltage.


Walter Paz


Submitted by PI-Chloe on 03/10/2024

Hi Walter Paz 

Good Day! 

Thanks for your inquiry unfortunately we do not have an IC that can be use as a Lab power supply.

Our IC cannot go below 5V output and we do not have a power delivery of 150W.  




Submitted by PI-Wrench on 03/12/2024

This may be possible using a TOPSwitch-JX front end fed by high range input or a PFC front end. What you will need is a small auxiliary supply on the primary side to power the secondary control circuity. A LinkSwitch-TN flyback supply with a triple-insulated secondary winding feeding the secondary side would be the preferred approach.  You would use an opamp-based secondary control circuit to feed the optocoupler controlling the TOPSwitch. You may need a dual opamp if you want to have both CV and CC functions for the lab supply. 

Submitted by PI-Wrench on 03/12/2024

Here is a primary regulated Linkswitch-TN bias supply that would be appropriate for biasing your secondary control circuitry.  An EF12.6 or EE13 core would be all the core you need for the secondary control circuit power requirements. I would advise designing the output power for 2-3W and just running the supply at low power anyway to prevent a design requiring too many primary turns and too much primary inductance.

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LINKTN_Flyback_Bias.png 16.66 KB